Muscle-strengthening activities are an essential part of your movement routine. They can help make your everyday life a little easier while also contributing to your weekly physical activity goals. The weekly workouts are short and modifiable so you can modify them as needed to fit them to your activity level and goals. Check out our Holiday Challenge Workout Reminders for more recommendations and tips to make these workouts your own.
This week, we have a core workout!
Week #7: Core
- Rest 15 seconds after completing each movement before starting the next one.
- Aim to complete each movement 3 times. You can complete all 3 sets for one movement or complete 1 set of each movement and repeat all 5 a total of 3 times.
Standing Marches – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
- Stand with a tall posture and engage your core. Slowly bring one knee up to hip height (or whatever your full range of motion allows), pause, and then lower back to your starting position. Alternate between your right and left legs.
- Challenge: Start standing with your arms overhead. As you bring one knee up, move both arms straight down to your side. As you lower your leg, bring your arms straight back overhead.
Torso Rotations – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
- From a standing position, extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height with palms together. Engage your core and slowly rotate your arms and torso to one side, keeping your hips facing forward. Slowly return to the starting position. Alternate between your right and left side.
- Modification: Perform from a seated or kneeling position.
- Challenge: Perform with a slower tempo and/or hold a weighted object.
Wood Chops – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
- Step your left foot forward and rotate so your hands are at your right hip. Squeezing your core, rotate to bring your arms in a diagonal motion across your body to finish with them over your left shoulder. Keep your arms straight. Switch your forward leg at the halfway point.
- Modification: Perform from a seated or kneeling position.
- Challenge: Perform with a slower tempo and/or hold a weighted object.
Leaning Obliques – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
- Stand with a tall posture, bring your arms overhead, and engage your core. Engage your core and slowly bend to your left side, keeping your hips and chest facing in front of you. Slowly return to the starting position while squeezing your right side core muscles. Alternate sides with each repetition. If needed, rest your arms every few repetitions.
Straight Leg Lifts – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
- Stand with a tall posture and engage your core. Slowly lift one leg up to hip height (or whatever your full range of motion allows), pause, and then lower back to your starting position. Alternate between your right and left legs.
- Challenge: Perform with your arms extended in front of you at shoulder height or lifted overhead.
Check back next week for another workout and check out our other weekly workouts!
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