Virtual Basic Knife Skills Event

I am a frequent patron of my local Wake County North Carolina library and receive virtual program updates via email. On July 10th at 6:30 pm, Wake County Libraries will be hosting a free virtual Basic Knife Skills event via Zoom. For more information and to register, click here. You do not have to be […]

Too Much of a Sweet Thing

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of sweets around you making it difficult to stay on track and maintain your weight? To make matters more difficult, the more sugar you eat, the more your body actually craves it. This can create a cycle of sugar overloading if you are not mindful of your choices. […]

Dietary Fiber Intake

The North Carolina Office of State Human Resources offers wellness webinars as a benefit to employees. You do not need to be a state employee to view the webinars as the link to the most recent recording is available on their website, and past recordings are available on their YouTube playlist. I recently watched a […]

Tips for Snacking on Vegetables

One of my favorite afternoon snacks is baby carrots and cucumber slices. I would buy a bag of baby carrots and an English cucumber and package them into single-serving snack bags. This prepping strategy worked well unless I forgot, or was too lazy, to create the snack packs then the vegetables would linger in my […]

Meal Prep 101

Save time by preparing meals all at once for the week–even if you are working from home. Batch prepping and batch cooking can save you time and money, ensure leftovers don’t go to waste, and keep you stay in control of portions andingredients. Determining your time availability and needs each week will help you decide […]

Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver burnout refers to a state of complete exhaustion–physical and mental–and may occur when caregiver stress is left unchecked. Signs of caregiver burnout may include constant fatigue, more frequent sickness, and disregard for personal needs.1 Compassion fatigue, or the stress resulting from taking on the pain of the person being cared for, can also contribute […]