The Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program meets the Administration for Community Living definition of an ‘evidence-based program’ designed to improve the health and well-being, and reduce disease and injury in older adults ages 60 and older and is therefore eligible for use of Older Americans Act funds under Title IIID.
The turnkey program is led by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) hired and trained by NC State University. The role of the Health and Wellness Coordinator is to promote the program to seniors in their communities and provide data reporting to justify use of Title IIID funding.
Since 2017, 532 participants aged 60+ from 8 states and 25+ organizations have enrolled in the program using Title IIID funding. The average weight loss for all 60+ participants who have participated in the program is 7.2 pounds, the same as the overall average weight loss for all participants, regardless of age.
Not just for teens…Seniors successfully use online technology to improve health describes the implementation of Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program in Wisconsin at the statewide and local levels.
This presentation:
- Provides an overview of the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program.
- Describes how this online program is a good fit for senior center staff and seniors interested in health and wellness programs.
- Discusses the processes used to promote, recruit for and implement the program at the local level.
How It Works
If you are interested in offering Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less to seniors in your community using Title IIID funding, please contact Kelly Nordby, Program Coordinator, at kcnordby@ncsu.edu. The process is simple:
- Schedule time for a program overview and walkthrough of the implementation steps.
- Receive an invoice for payment.
- Receive a participant coupon code and marketing materials from our team.
- Promote the program to seniors in your community.
- Receive enrollment and attendance reports for your own data reporting purposes.

“I am a 68 year old woman who, in the last 2 years has been through major back surgery and a very large kidney stone so my mobility has been really minimized. I am overweight and have been most of my life. I really enjoyed this program and the presenter was EXCELLENT! She motivated us all and had great suggestions and great encouragement for each of us every week. I learned a lot of ideas that I will use for the rest of my life. I didn’t lose a lot of weight but I am going to keep up the basis behind this program and I’m sure this will help me stay on the straight and narrow from now on.”
– Jo, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Participant

“Thanks for leading a great program to live healthier! I was concerned the course might place too much emphasis on losing weight and was pleased that healthy eating and moving more strategies were the focus. I was amazed to see the pounds coming off when I didn’t ever feel like I was “dieting.” The simple changes I’ve made should be easy to continue in the future.”
– Louise, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Participant

“I started ESMMWL on May 23rd with Carrie as our class lead. My goal statement was “Lose 20 pounds at the end of these 15 weeks. Lose 15-20 pounds”. Each week I learned more about the importance of nutrition to incorporate into my Weight Watchers points. I became discouraged watching the scale! I was doing all the right things – except for one which Carrie helped me understand. I was working out 5 days per week and on some of those days, I attended two classes. I also became a certified volunteer for United Way leading a Bone Builders class. I was developing noticeable muscles, becoming stronger and less tired. I was focused on the scale and lost sight of what I was accomplishing. Thank you, Carrie and ESMMWL for helping me see and appreciate that I had become healthier and even lost 2 inches from my waist during these 15 weeks. I became dedicated to exercise as well as helping others get into exercise. Thank you ESMMWL, Carrie, and AgeWell for helping me discover all of this.”
– Dayle, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Participant
From Our Partners

“Challenges-Options in Aging is an innovative community non-profit organization offering a wide variety of educational, recreational and health-related activities to help support the independence of adults over the age of 50 who live in Lawrence County Pennsylvania. Challenges-Options in Aging is a program of Catholic Charities Diocese of Pittsburgh and is the Lawrence County Area Agency on Aging in Pennsylvania. The Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program benefited our senior population with health and wellness topics each week. The program also added a technology and socialization component to further educate our consumers. Thank you NC State and the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Team!”
Michael Gordon, Health and Wellness Coordinator
Challenges-Options in Aging (Lawrence County Area Agency on Aging / Pennsylvania)

“Since Covid, Aging Units in Wisconsin have experienced a decrease in staff and volunteers necessary to be trained and facilitate high level evidence-based programs. We went searching for a turnkey evidence-based nutrition program on which our Health Promotion Coordinators would be able to utilize their Title IIID spending without having to use their own staff’s already limited time. The Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program at NC State meets this need for us by providing trained Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) instructors who lead the classes and offer one-on-support outside of class for our participants. Additionally, the frequently scheduled classes are combined with other entities, so we do not have to come up with all of the participants needed for the class to meet the minimum. NC State also provides customized flyers so we can promote the classes to our seniors and monthly attendance data that we need for our federal reporting. We are so grateful for this partnership!”
Angie Sullivan, OAA Consultant – Health Promotions Specialist
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources

“Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less has filled a specific nutrition programming niche for our age 60+ community. The online ability offers convenient and safe programming options for seniors during our long Wisconsin winters, as well as flexibility all year round. Our participants have had a high level of progress, completion, and overall satisfaction with Eat Smart!”
Lisa Messer, Health Promotion Coordinator
Aging and Disability Resource Center of Rock County, Wisconsin