Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is an evidence-based, 15-week, online weight management program that was developed by NC State University and NCDHHS Division of Public Health. The program has been successfully offered to more than 15,000 participants.
Why Invest in Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less?
More than 6 in 10 adults are overweight or obese. Excess weight in adults costs over $17.6 billion each year in medical costs and lost productivity. As you make decisions about wellness programs for your employees, include weight management as an option.
A Return on Your Investment
For every $1 invested in Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less, $2.75 can be saved in medical care and lost productivity costs.¹
Learn how to offer Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less, a turn-key program, to your employees on our Employer Page and through our Employer and Health Plan Guide.
“We are proud to offer Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less to our client businesses as an option in their employee benefits package. The program has provided positive outcomes for our members and has been a valuable resource for employer sponsored wellness programs. The real-time, online delivery of the program makes it a convenient option for all employees regardless of their physical location across the nation.”
Brian Caveney, MD JD MPH, Chief Medical Officer
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of North Carolina
¹Chenoweth D. Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Online for State Employees: Benefit-Cost Analysis and Present Value Adjustment Report. Chenoweth & Associates. August 2013