Trying to start a new exercise routine?

Are you looking to switch things up when it comes to your physical activity routine? Check out these sample programs from our colleagues at Eat Smart, Move More NC. Feel free to modify or adapt them as you see fit to meet your current fitness levels. Change up your walking or jogging route for some […]

Moving & Grooving at Your Own Pace

Do the words “fitness”, “physical activity” or “exercise” suggest a painful process that you have to go through in order to alter your appearance? This line of thinking will only make you think that “exercise” is not for you. Too often mainstream culture focuses on how exercise will alter your appearance when the conversation should […]

Mindfulness Gives Us Options

As humans, we have the ability of metacognition, which is a big word that describes something most of us do every day probably without even noticing it–that is thinking about our own thoughts. Our ability to think about our thoughts allows us to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is deliberately paying attention to the present moment without […]

National Physical Activity and Sports Month

May is National Physical Activity and Sports Month. We know that staying active is an important continuum throughout our lives for our physical and mental well-being. Children Adhering to 60 minutes of vigorous activity a day benefits their growing bodies and leads to a lifetime of movement. A body in motion stays in motion. Visit […]

Too Much of a Sweet Thing

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of sweets around you making it difficult to stay on track and maintain your weight? To make matters more difficult, the more sugar you eat, the more your body actually craves it. This can create a cycle of sugar overloading if you are not mindful of your choices. […]

Another successful group Ate Smart, Moved More, and Prevented Diabetes at Carolina Preserve

For the sixth consecutive year, the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program has been offered to residents of the Carolina Preserve community in Cary, NC.  From March 2023 until March 2024, 10 participants completed the program losing a combined total of more than 117 pounds!  Many also lowered their A1c and overall decreased their […]

Dietary Fiber Intake

The North Carolina Office of State Human Resources offers wellness webinars as a benefit to employees. You do not need to be a state employee to view the webinars as the link to the most recent recording is available on their website, and past recordings are available on their YouTube playlist. I recently watched a […]

Embracing Wellness this Spring Season

April marks the onset of spring and two important observances dedicated to our overall well-being: National Move More Month and National Stress Awareness Month. These annual reminders allow individuals to prioritize their physical and mental health through mindful practices. National Move More Month serves as a timely reminder for individuals to incorporate physical activity into […]