Have an Exercise Snack

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When we say snack, we usually mean food, but have you heard of an exercise snack? Exercise snacks are short sessions of physical activity that might be a convenient addition to your everyday routine. Movement of any kind can benefit our overall health. Mini exercise sessions or “exercise snacks” may help you reach your physical activity goals.

Americans tend to be very sedentary, especially those who work at desks. When you remain seated for prolonged periods, your spine adapts to those positions and does not move as well. This increases your risk of injury when engaging in other activities 1.

Our bodies and brains function better when we move regularly 2. Every 30 minutes to an hour, stand up and move for 2-4 minutes. Take a short walk around the office or building or stretch by your desk. 

Try exercise snacks for these reasons:

  • Boost energy – Movement gets our blood flowing which promotes energy production within the body.
  • Promote brain power – Taking a break from our work helps us refocus once we return.
  • Lower stress – Short exercise sessions release feel-good hormones, or endorphins, which naturally lower stress levels.
  • Flexibility – Busy schedule? Include exercise snacks throughout your day for times when a 30-minute workout isn’t doable.

Start adding exercise snacks to your routine today!

  1. Pham V. Sit up straight: Futureproof your body against chronic pain with 12 simple movements. Scribner; 2022.
  2. Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | TED. Youtube.com Web site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHY0FxzoKZE. Updated 2018. Accessed 8-20-, 2022.

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