The following are testimonials submitted by recent Holiday Challenge participants. To see more Holiday Challenge outcomes, view our 2017 Final Report.
“Thank you for providing this program. This is the 3rd year that I have participated. Each year I have maintained my current weight through the holidays with the program’s support. The opportunity to race through Paris this year was really a game changer for me. I have found an inner strength to push myself harder. Thank you very much! It is such a good feeling to step into 2018 knowing that I have a plan to follow for a happy and healthy lifestyle.” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“Receiving reminders to encourage me to maintain and not gain is awesome. The program goals are realistic. I like being able to access the info at my convenience online and look forward to it.” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“As of September, I have lost 65 lbs. I’m still not quite where I want to be, but I don’t plan on gaining any weight over the holidays. Thanks to the Holiday Challenge I should be able to keep the weight off. I use your tips to help me stay on track & I am doing the virtual walk around Paris. I have already completed over 100 miles!!! Thank you Holiday Challenge!!” – Laura, Holiday Challenge Participant
“It is very possible to maintain and even lose weight during the holidays! Thanks for the info, encouragement and help!” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“I really enjoyed participating in the holiday challenge. I was able to really focus on my daily intake, portion size, and physical activity. This made me more accountable for my actions. My goal was not to gain during the holidays and I did not… I actually lost about 5 pounds. I did eat some foods that I should not have eaten but the next day I made sure I got back on track. Also, I was very conscientious of eating slower and once I was full, I would stop eating. I did not go back for seconds (even though I was very tempted). Hallelujah!!! I ate only the foods that I do not normally get a chance to eat until the holidays. I continued to exercise even when I did not want to. I parked in the farthest park spaces most of the time. I can say that I AM PROUD OF MYSELF!!! Goal for 2018: “Be a Better Me, in order to Be Better to Someone Else”– 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“This is the first year that I lost weight over the holidays. I normally tell myself to expect to gain 5-8 pounds between Halloween and New Year’s Eve. I was surprised that I lost 4 pounds. It may not seem like a lot to others, but it is truly an accomplishment to me. Thank you!” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“In all, we had 240 participants register for the Holiday Challenge, and heard great feedback. I learned about the challenge just a few weeks before it launched, so I was very pleased at how easy it was to implement. I will definitely start promoting this earlier next year so more of my clients can take advantage of this amazing resource! Thank you Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less!” -Sheila Bannister, Health and Wellness Director, ONI Risk Partners
“This is one of the only challenges I stick with each year. I like how you can be really involved (joining groups, competing with others) or just use the daily tips quietly as you try and better yourself. It gives people the flexibility to come as they are, where they are in their journey, and make management steps towards health.”– 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“I had a wonderful time. It brought my coworkers and me together as a support group for physical activity and nutrition.” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“We did it! A group of coworkers participated in the virtual marathon through Paris. We got into character while sightseeing in Paris. Once everyone in the group completed the 26.2-mile marathon, they were proudly awarded an ornament of the Eiffel Tower. Our experience with the virtual marathon through Paris has inspired us to travel the world together. –2017 Holiday Challenge Participants
“Excellent motivation tool to maintain my weight and eat healthy during the holidays. Thanks for this awesome program!” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“I thought this was a great program and it really inspired and motivated me to stay on track with my goals, resist the extra pieces of pie, find ways to be more active, etc. during the holidays. I was skeptical at first that I’d be able to maintain my weight during the holidays but I am proud to say that I did it! Looking forward to keeping the momentum going in the New Year!” – 2017 Holiday Challenge Participant
“As of this morning, since Thanksgiving Day I have lost over five pounds (including the few pounds I gained over Thanksgiving weekend). I hope to carry my momentum from the Holiday challenge and my training into the New Year! – David, Holiday Challenge Participant
We want to hear from you! To share your Holiday Challenge journey, and for the chance to be featured on our website and win a prize, please email
To learn more about the Holiday Challenge, click here: Holiday Challenge.