The Holiday Challenge helps participants maintain their weight during the holiday season. Whether you want to maintain your weight, lose a few pounds, or just learn new strategies for eating smart, moving more, and living mindfully, this seven-week program is for you. In partnership with NC State University and the NCDHHS Division of Public Health, the Holiday Challenge program ran from 2006 – 2023. Check out the final 2023 Holiday Challenge outcomes report.

We are now passing the torch to you to keep the Holiday Challenge program going for your audience. In the Holiday Challenge Coordinator’s Guide, you will find information and suggestions about how to implement the seven-week program. As each setting is unique, these resources provide strategies that can be customized. Congratulations on taking the first step towards implementing the Holiday Challenge in your setting! 

Holiday Challenge Program Materials

Holiday Walking Challenge

The Holiday Walking Challenge is an optional add-on component to the Holiday Challenge during Weeks 3-6 OR it can also serve as a stand-alone challenge.

Promotional Toolkit

These promotional resources are intended to be a guide. We encourage you to get creative and customize them for your setting.

Tracking Resources

There are many great websites and smartphone apps available to track your weight, food, and physical activity but we know that some folks prefer pen and paper. For them, we have downloadable logs!

Downloadable Holiday Challenge Tracking Logs

Recipe Resources

Physical Activity Resources

Healthy Living Resources

Social Support

Caucasian hand holding an iphone showing a folder of Social Network apps.

Engage your participants via social media. Create a private Facebook group for your setting OR direct your participants to the existing Holiday Challenge Facebook group.

Questions can be emailed to