First, it might be helpful to share a little background on sprouted grains. Some experts say that there is an advantage to harvesting the sprout during the germinating process that helps increase the nutrients that are available to the body such as folate, iron, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and protein. These nutrients are also available in whole grain products, but just in differing amounts. Also, sprouting grains and legumes has also been shown to reduce their phytic acid content, which improves the absorption of iron, calcium and zinc. There does seem to be a lot of variability in the nutrients in sprouted grain products, so it is important to do label comparisons.

Now the fun part…let’s talk about taste. To me, sprouted grain products are denser and nuttier than most whole grain products and they have a great texture! My favorite is the one that ends up on my breakfast table most mornings and that is Ezekiel Cinnamon and Raisin English muffins. They have 4 grams of fiber for an entire muffin and only 160 calories. I spread a tablespoon of peanut butter on each half and add ½ cup of fruit and coffee and voila…breakfast!! Because there is a mixture of sprouted grains and lentils in many products including Ezekiel English muffins, they are considered a complete protein, which helps this satisfying breakfast stay with me during my morning workout and all the way until lunch.
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I love Ezekiel bread. It’s the only bread I eat. Also, noticed the “Days of Praise” book. What a way to start your day!