Nutrition When Visiting Family

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When you visit and stay with family, it may be harder to keep up with your nutrition routine. How can you make good decisions, not perfect decisions, during these events? Everyone’s family dynamic and accommodations are different, but we encourage you to think about ways to adapt your routine. Thinking of ideas and turning them into a game plan before your trip will increase your confidence and chance of sticking to your routine. Below are questions and tips to help you create an adjusted plan for nutrition success. All of these may not apply to you and that’s okay!

Use these ideas to build your plan:

  • Who are you staying with? Whose kitchen would you access? Would it be okay if you brought a few items to keep in the fridge or pantry? Call ahead and ask that person some questions.
  • What meals are core family meals? Meals that are not core family meals (or leftovers) could be opportunities for you to bring or make meals that align with your nutrition routine.
  • What meal suggestions do you have? See if you could participate in the planning. The person responsible for cooking may appreciate your support. Talk through ideas for healthy, family-friendly meals and offer to assist with grocery shopping and cooking.
  • What healthy swaps could you make? Replacing a family favorite is probably a no-go, but think about healthy swaps for side dishes and other meals.
  • How can you involve the family? Once you have a plan, invite other family members to help with cooking and meal preparation. This could be an enjoyable way to spend time together and make cooking a family event.

Gentle reminders for your travel nutrition plan:

  • It’s okay to indulge. Choose what you want to indulge in such as your favorite side dish or dessert and moderate your portions. Serve yourself or ask the person serving you for a small portion. 
  • Pack healthy snacks. If cooking your own meals is not an option, have a few healthy snacks.
  • Make good decisions. It might not be perfect, but adopt flexible thinking and choose the good or better options when possible.

Your nutrition routine will be different when you visit family or friends. Plan for what you can and make good decisions given your unique situation.

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