Be a Soup-er Star

When it begins to get chilly outside, one of the best ways to stay warm is with a hot cup of soup. Soups are a budget-friendly way to incorporate more vegetables into your day and there are many combinations of spices and flavors to try. We generally recommend avoiding cream-based soups like bisques and chowders […]

Summer Salad Ideas

The hot days of summer continue and if you are like me, salads are on the menu. Here are some simple ideas to make dinner delicious and cool. These salads are a great way to use leftover grilled fish or meat or other vegetables you have from other meals. Think of the below as not […]

Rethink Takeout

Busy lifestyles compete with time spent in the home kitchen. Ordering takeout can seem like the easiest, most convenient option on a weeknight. Eating out provides convenient nourishment as well as opportunities for socializing, celebrating, and experiencing new flavors. There is nothing wrong with eating out because it is one of life’s pleasures. However, it […]

Can We Rebrand Salads?

Salads are often labeled as “diet foods” and that is quite frankly a bummer. Rather than simply being a boring and healthy side dish, salad should be reimagined as a delicious and satisfying main course. One way to do this is by adding flavorful and filling ingredients, such as protein-rich grilled chicken, hearty grains like […]

Reading Nutrition Labels

Reading the Nutrition Facts labels on foods is an important skill that can help us make healthier choices and stay within our calorie budget. Understanding the nutrients and ingredients in the foods you buy makes you a more informed consumer and gives you a better understanding of the foods you are putting into your body. […]

Risky or Not?

Have you ever wondered if it is safe to eat yogurt past its best by date or thaw poultry at room temperature? Maybe you are unsure if you can eat those roasted vegetables you left on the counter overnight or if you can store butter at room temperature. For all of your food safety related […]