Rusty Knees- Moving Safely in the Dog Days of Summer

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Along came Rusty! Ok, his name was Banjo at the Wake County SPCA, but he and I had a little chat on the fateful April day we adopted him three months after our final farewell to TJ-the-Wonderdog of almost-18-yrs! { My partner had been promised three years of freedom from canines, yet three months was L O N G  E N O U G H ! }

Conversation went something like this—greg-rusty

Me: Hey, you’re cute ( understatement ).

Banjo: ________ cute cute cute __________

Me: You know, having a puppy whose name rhymes with NO isn’t the best idea.

Banjo: ________ cute cute cute ________* tail wags * _________

Me: I’ll just bend down to pick you up and OW ouch OW ouch Oweeeeeeee !

Banjo: _____lick___ cute cute cute____ * tail wags *_____ lick

Me: My knees aren’t what they used to be now that I’m fifty. They’re kind of RUSTY!

Rusty: ____ I’m yours! ____ * tail wags *____ lick____ cute cute cute

Me:  You know, you’re probably my final dog. Just live to be about 15 years old and I doubt I’ll adopt another canine companion at 65!

Rusty: ___ NO promises! ___ * tail wags * ____ lick____lick____ cute cute cute

Fast forward to this Spring and Summer. Rusty has me moving at sunrise and walking much more as I train a puppy. Yes, this is my very first real puppy in all my years. Somehow, dogs have found me somewhat in their maturity. Thus, one moves more and more and more with Rusty knees! Movement can even help me with my knee arthritis, which I happen ‘enjoy’ at this age.

Keeping Rusty safe and moving in our NC summer has become paramount for me and my family. We have found this to be a great resource for you hoping to move more with your canines during the true dog days of summer  .

Movement with Rusty knees is great for my cardiovascular health and certainly helps me to burn more calories (Did I mention before the sun comes up?!). Moreover, my mental health has taken a great leap forward with my cute-as-all-get-out Rusty…. and improved those knees that accompany both him and me.  {More to come on improved mental health and movement from me later.}

Grab that companion (canine or human) and move your joints as best you can. We at Eat Smart, Move More , Weigh Less and Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes are cheering you onward.