Week #2 of the Holiday Challenge, we are focusing on strengthening our entire body!
Every week throughout the Holiday Challenge, we are posting a resistance workout for participants looking to engage in muscle-strengthening activities. Each workout has a different focus, but all include modifications so that individuals of various fitness levels can participate. We encourage everyone to look up additional modifications if necessary. Try searching YouTube for standing workouts, standing abs, no jumping workouts or similar phrases to find more options that better suit your needs. No jumping and no noise workouts are great options for individuals looking for low-impact routines or for those living on the upper levels of an apartment complex.
General Reminders:
- Disclaimer: Individuals should seek medical evaluation and clearance from a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. All activities should be carried out at a pace and intensity that is comfortable for the individual.
- Be as physically active as any health conditions, injuries or disabilities allow. Refer to these resources to find activities that work for you.
- Increase your activity levels gradually. Take into account where you are now, where you want to be and increase your activity over time.
Workout Reminders:
- Warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate with 5 – 10 minutes of a low intensity activity like walking or marching in place.
- Prioritize proper form over the number of repetitions, amount of weight or time you perform the exercise. Using proper form will prevent injury and help you to focus your efforts on the intended muscle(s).
- Adjust the number of repetitions, sets, exercise duration and/or rest intervals to fit your needs and to ensure you maintain proper form.
- For most exercises that involve movement, using a slow and controlled tempo is best.
- All exercises can be performed without weights (even if the animations include them).
- Workouts or exercises can be performed with specific numbers of sets and repetitions or by performing the exercise for a specific amount of time and resting for another specified time interval.
- Don’t be afraid to try any of the modifications or challenges or search for additional resources.
- Cans or water bottles make great light weights for at-home workouts if you would like to add a little bit of an extra challenge to an exercise.
Week #2: Total Body
- Aim for 3 sets of each exercise. Adjust sets, repetitions and times to fit your needs and ensure you can maintain proper form.
- You may perform all sets of each exercise before moving to the next, or perform each exercise once and then repeat all of them for a circuit-style workout.
- For each exercise: 12 repetitions OR perform 30 to 45 seconds then rest 15 seconds
- Squat to Overhead Press
- Modification: Try using only your bodyweight. Squat down to a seated position in a chair, then stand and repeat.
- Challenge: Push up onto toes while performing the overhead press. Add or increase weight.
- Reverse Lunge with Rotation
- Modification: Try a traditional reverse lunge by eliminating the rotation. Hold onto a wall or a chair for support.
- Challenge: From the lunge position, bring your back leg up to hip height and balance before returning to the starting position. Try adding weight or performing plyometric (jumping) lunges.
- Push-Ups
- Modification: Try this exercise on your knees or try placing your hands on a stable chair or on the wall.
- Challenge: Try holding for 1-2 seconds at the bottom of the movement, or perform a tricep push-up. You could also add a single-leg raise or stagger your hands.
- Single-leg Romanian Deadlift
- Modification: Hold onto a stable surface such as a wall or chair for support during the movement.
- Challenge: Try to remain balancing on one leg for all repetitions or try adding weight.
- Reverse Ab Crunch
- Modification: Perform a single-leg stand or reverse marches.
- Challenge: Fully extend your legs before bringing them back to the starting position. Try extending your arms overhead or even holding a weight with arms straight above your chest or head.
Check out previous workouts of the week for more muscle-strengthening activities!
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