Adopt Flexible Thinking in 2023

It is the beginning of the calendar year and many people participate in the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions which typically involves changing habits or setting personal goals. Whether you choose to embark on new goals at the beginning or middle of the calendar year, we want to remind you that when setting goals […]

Reframing Occasional Sleep Difficulty

We think of nutrition and exercise as foundational for good health but sleep is equally as important. Prioritizing sleep is vital for your overall health and getting good quality sleep depends on a variety of factors. Our bodies have primary drives including the need for food, water, and sleep. Even though it may feel like […]

Shift Your Sleep Schedule

Sometimes it can seem like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. Trying to fit in healthy eating, movement, work, and all the other things that come up can seem overwhelming. One way to guarantee time for yourself is to shift your sleep schedule to wake up earlier. I know, […]

Holiday Challenge Week #7 Workout

This week, the final workout is designed to strengthen your whole body again! Muscle-strengthening activities are an important part of any movement routine. They can contribute to your weekly physical activity goals while also helping you feel stronger and making everyday life a little bit easier. The weekly workouts are designed to be short and […]

Screen Time: Mindfully Unplugging

Making small changes to your technology habits could unlock more time for you to focus on your health and wellness. Think about what you could do with an extra 30 minutes to an hour each day. Observe Current Habits: Reduce Your Screen Time: What to do with the extra time you unlock by unplugging? Like […]

Self Care Audit

You can’t pour from an empty cup so from time to time it can be essential to take a step back and make time to fill your cup. It can be beneficial to perform a self care audit to determine what activity you should prioritize. Keep your personal values, priorities, and obligations in mind, and […]

Holiday Challenge Week #6 Workout

This week, the workout is designed to strengthen your lower body! Muscle-strengthening activities are an important part of any movement routine. They can contribute to your weekly physical activity goals while also helping you feel stronger and making everyday life a little bit easier. The weekly workouts are designed to be short and modifiable so […]

Having Fun is Good for Your Health

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our health. There are many scientifically-proven habits that tend to make us healthier. For example, we know that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and engaging in regular physical activity is good for us. But, what about having fun? Having fun can make our day-to-day lives […]

Holiday Challenge Week #5 Workout

This week, the workout is designed to strengthen your core with standing movements! Muscle-strengthening activities are an important part of any movement routine. They can contribute to your weekly physical activity goals while also helping you feel stronger and making everyday life a little bit easier. The weekly workouts are designed to be short and […]

Reframe How You Look at Failure

Though we may not like to admit it, we have all experienced failure at some point. We can be particularly hard on ourselves when it comes to nutrition, physical activity, and goals for weight maintenance or weight loss. But, what do we gain by looking negatively at ourselves? What if we reframed the way we […]