Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver burnout refers to a state of complete exhaustion–physical and mental–and may occur when caregiver stress is left unchecked. Signs of caregiver burnout may include constant fatigue, more frequent sickness, and disregard for personal needs.1 Compassion fatigue, or the stress resulting from taking on the pain of the person being cared for, can also contribute […]

Overcome Sugar Cravings

There are different reasons we may crave sugar. If we are eating sugar regularly, our bodies expect and, in turn, desire it. When we eat sugar, our brain releases dopamine, the pleasure hormone, making it more likely for us to want more sugar at that moment and later on. Our blood sugar levels also rise […]

Having Fun is Good for You!

Who doesn’t like having fun? While everyone may have individual preferences as to what constitutes having fun, research makes one thing clear: having fun is highly beneficial to our physical, mental, and emotional health. Studies have shown how having fun can reduce stress, improve sleep, increase serotonin and endorphins, and keep us moving more, among […]

The All-Or-Nothing Mindset is OUT in 2024

As we enter the time of year when people start thinking about behavior change, I think it’s important to go into these changes realistically. Don’t get me wrong, goals are GREAT! Setting goals is necessary for change and focus. Sticking with and achieving goals is rewarding but it is good to make sure that your […]

Let’s Set Wellness Goals

The holiday season is a very busy time of the year. With different holidays, travel, work deadlines, and shorter days, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. But are you focusing on your health and wellness through it all? Think about a few ways you could help yourself feel more positive, relaxed, and energized (the […]

Holiday Challenge Workout #7

Muscle-strengthening activities are an essential part of your movement routine. They can help make your everyday life a little easier while also contributing to your weekly physical activity goals. The weekly workouts are short and modifiable so you can modify them as needed to fit them to your activity level and goals. Check out our […]

Holiday Challenge Workout #6

Muscle-strengthening activities are an essential part of your movement routine. They can help make your everyday life a little easier while also contributing to your weekly physical activity goals. The weekly workouts are short and modifiable so you can modify them as needed to fit them to your activity level and goals. Check out our […]

When Weight Loss is Indicated–How to Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight?

Let’s first acknowledge one key point–not everyone wants to lose weight or needs to lose weight. However, there are certain medical conditions where weight loss is indicated–for example, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. For those looking to lose weight for your health, it is important to approach this goal with sustainable weight loss in mind, […]

Holiday Challenge Workout #5

Muscle-strengthening activities are an essential part of your movement routine. They can help make your everyday life a little easier while also contributing to your weekly physical activity goals. The weekly workouts are short and modifiable so you can modify them as needed to fit them to your activity level and goals. Check out our […]

Homemade Freezer Meals

When my daughter was in medical school, I would bring her homemade freezer meals. One ofthe sources I used for making these meals was “From freezer to table: 75+ simple, whole foodsrecipes for gathering, cooking, and sharing” by Polly Conner and Rachel Tiemeyer. I absolutelylove the soup recipes in this book! Recently, I made hearty […]