The pandemic had most gyms closed. You then may have questioned if it was a safe place to be. With vaccines and loosening of COVID precautions, many of us are now back at a gym. If you are like me, your gym membership has long since expired and you may be in search of your next gym experience. How do you choose with so many gyms out there? Here is a quick three-step process to help you pick your next place to get your cardio and weight training to build a strong heart, lungs, and lean body mass.
Near my home or work.
Research shows that if it is more than 4 miles away you are far less likely to go. People who lived close to their gym were five times more likely to actually go to the gym. Draw a circle around your home or office and see what gyms are closest to you.
Offers the things I really want and need.
If you know that all you need is a treadmill and a few weight machines to get your workout, don’t pay for a gym that offers free classes, yoga, a pool, and a sauna. On the other hand, if you can find a one-stop-shop that offers all you need, it may be cheaper in the long run than paying separately for yoga, spin, or other group fitness options. The most expensive gyms offer a wet area with a lap pool and/or water aerobics. If this is something you know you will not use, opt for a gym without this.
Not too crowded.
If you always workout after work and your gym is packed at that time, find somewhere else. Ask for a week’s trial and go at the time you would usually workout. If you have a hard time getting a cardio machine and the weight area or weight machines are crowded, it will take much longer to get your workout completed.
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