Muscle-strengthening activities are an essential part of your movement routine. They can help make your everyday life a little easier while also contributing to your weekly physical activity goals. The weekly workouts are short and modifiable so you can modify them as needed to fit them to your activity level and goals. Check out our Holiday Challenge Workout Reminders for more recommendations and tips to make these workouts your own.
This week, we have a seated core workout. This is a workout you can do in your office or anywhere you have a chair.
Week #2: Core Seated
● Start each movement in a tall, seated posture with shoulders back and down and a neutral head position.
● Aim to complete each movement 3 times. You can complete all 3 sets for one movement before going to the next, or complete 1 set of each movement and repeat all 5 a total of 3 times.
● Rest 15 seconds after completing each movement before starting the next one.
Hip Hinge – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
● Move to sit a little closer to the front of your chair and move your feet just outside of shoulder width apart. Place your hands behind your head and brace your core. Keeping your back flat and without pulling on your head/neck, slowly lower your upper body towards the ground. Think about pushing your glutes back as you lower. Slowly return to the starting position.
Alternating Marches – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
● Start seated with your feet planted on the floor and legs bent at 90 degrees. Bring your arms straight up overhead. Keeping them raised, slowly drive one knee to the ceiling then lower your foot back to the ground with control. Alternate legs and keep your core engaged. If needed, let your arms come down to your sides and rest for a second after a few repetitions.
● Modification: Perform with your arms extended straight out in front of you at shoulder height or with your arms on the chair for support.
Side Body Reach Downs – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
● Start in your upright, seated position with arms extended by your sides. Engage your core and slowly bend to your left side, moving your left hand straight down towards the floor. Slowly return to the starting position while squeezing your right side core muscles. Alternate sides with each repetition.
Alternating Oblique Marches – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
● Move to sit a little closer to the front of your chair with your feet planted on the floor and legs bent at 90 degrees. Place your hands behind your head. As you lift your left knee to the ceiling, reach your right hand to your left knee. Slowly return your foot to the ground and your hand behind your head. Alternate sides with each repetition.
Upper Body Leans – 16 repetitions OR 45 seconds
● Sit at the front of your chair. Engage your core and maintain a tall posture. Slowly lean back to about 45 degrees or whatever your range of motion allows. Pause for 1 second while still squeezing your core, then slowly return to your upright seated position.
Check back next week for another workout and check out our other weekly workouts!
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