As humans, we have the ability of metacognition, which is a big word that describes something most of us do every day probably without even noticing it–that is thinking about our own thoughts. Our ability to think about our thoughts allows us to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is deliberately paying attention to the present moment without judgment.
Research shows a myriad of health benefits related to mindfulness: reduced stress, improved chronic pain management, improved immune function, and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression 1.
Applying mindfulness to specific behaviors can lead to intentional choices instead of responding to external cues, emotions, or your environment. Mindful eating refers to an individual maintaining a non-judgmental awareness of one’s physical and emotional sensations while eating or in a food-related environment 1. You can also apply mindfulness to physical activity. Be in the moment and focus on how your body feels during physical activity. After you exercise, assess how you feel–do you feel better, stronger, happier, or less stressed? Notice, but don’t judge.
Mindfulness is not a goal-oriented practice and it is not about getting something perfect, rather it is about awareness. Once we have awareness, options open up!
Download the 12 Steps to Mindful Eating. Incorporating these steps into your life can have transformative results.
- Dunn, C., Haubenreiser, M., Johnson, M. et al. Mindfulness Approaches and Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Weight Regain. Curr Obes Rep 7, 37–49 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13679-018-0299-6 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13679-018-0299-6
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