Mindfulness Gives Us Options

As humans, we have the ability of metacognition, which is a big word that describes something most of us do every day probably without even noticing it–that is thinking about our own thoughts. Our ability to think about our thoughts allows us to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is deliberately paying attention to the present moment without […]

How to Enjoy Your Vacation

My family and I recently went on a week-long vacation to the North Carolina mountains. We had such a fantastic time it was difficult to come home! When you are sharing a house with 9 other adults and are not in charge of meal planning, grocery shopping, or the schedule, it can be really difficult […]

Shift Your Sleep Schedule

Sometimes it can seem like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. Trying to fit in healthy eating, movement, work, and all the other things that come up can seem overwhelming. One way to guarantee time for yourself is to shift your sleep schedule to wake up earlier. I know, […]

Mindfulness for Stress Relief

We live in a world surrounded by distractions and stressors, and because of this, experiencing stress at times is unavoidable. There are both positive and negative stressors. However, a state of prolonged tension from stress may have negative health consequences like trouble sleeping, headaches, high blood pressure, increased heart attack risk, or a weakened immune […]

How to Avoid the Sunday Scaries

The “Sunday Scaries” is the anxiety or dread that you may have encountered on a Sunday in anticipation of the upcoming workweek. At some point on Sunday–typically late in the afternoon–you begin to feel as if your weekend is slipping away and the time before you have to be back at your desk is quickening.  […]

5 Tips to Avoid Giving In to Family Food Pushers

Let’s face it, the holidays often revolve around activities and gatherings that include food. It can be difficult for those of us who are trying to make smarter, healthier food choices to be in environments where unhealthy sweets and treats are everywhere, especially when people we love are the ones offering us these foods.  Family […]

Mindfulness Day 2020

September 12th is Mindfulness Day. Mindfulness is a key component of the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less and Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes programs. Take a moment today or this week to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply defined as being present in any particular moment. To go deeper, it involves being conscious and […]

Stretch the Stress Away

I do not know about you, but I constantly find myself physically or mentally on the go all day long; thinking about the next project, and how I can get two things done at once. I have always found traditional yoga classes extremely relaxing and so worth the hour session, but my most stressful days […]

Always Eating? Part 2: Self-Care

We are continuing to evaluate a common situation that individuals encounter. My last blog focused on nutrition, check it out if you’re interested. “I can’t stop eating….I’m always eating.“ To really unpack this, we have to look at the interplay between nutrition, self-care, and coping with emotions. Today let’s do a self-care check-in. Self-care impacts […]