You can’t pour from an empty cup so from time to time it can be essential to take a step back and make time to fill your cup. It can be beneficial to perform a self care audit to determine what activity you should prioritize. Keep your personal values, priorities, and obligations in mind, and find ways to do less of what drains you.
1. How am I spending my time, money, and energy?
- Break down the day into small increments (30 minutes) so you can get a full picture of how you are spending your time. There is a common belief that we don’t have enough time in our days, but you may be surprised by the amount of discretionary time you actually do have.
2. At the end of each day ask yourself…
- What were 3 things that felt good?
- What were 3 things that made you feel drained?
3. If you are feeling drained more than usual ask yourself the following questions:
- How much sleep am I getting on average?
- How many hours per week am I working?
- How often do I socialize with friends?
- How much time do I spend outdoors?
- How comfortable am I with saying no to the requests of others?
- When I am busy, do I take breaks to eat?
- How often am I exercising?
- Do I tend to feel guilty if I am not productive?
- How would I rate my stress level on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest)
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