Small Steps, Bright Future Campaign Aims to Reduce Risk of Stroke in NC

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After decades of decline, stroke deaths have begun rising in adults 35 and older in North Carolina. Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability and the fourth leading cause of death in the state. Small Steps, Bright Future, a North Carolina Stroke Advisory Council Prevention Campaign, focuses on preventing stroke among African Americans who are at a disproportionate risk for stroke. Small Steps, Bright Future highlights endearing moments that could be missed if a person suffers from health complications related to stroke and heart disease.

Up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The campaign encourages people to make behavior changes that can prevent stroke and heart disease, and it drives viewers to for links to resources to support making small steps toward preventing stroke. Those small steps include:

  • Eating more fruits and vegetables
  •  Preparing more meals at home
  • Re-thinking your drink
  • Right-sizing portions
  • Moving more every day
  • Limiting screen time
  • Monitoring your blood pressure
  • Quitting tobacco use
  • Taking a diabetes prevention or management class

For more information and resources to share, visit

Original article written by Amy Dominello Braun, DHHS Office of Communications.

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