Best Treadmill Workout

Cooler weather often means more inside workouts. Running on a treadmill does not have to be boring or less intense than your outside workout. In fact, running on a treadmill can be a great way to do an interval workout. An interval workout is one that varies the intensity by going faster and slower for […]

Stress a Lot Less

In our daily lives, many get distracted from enjoying life because of stress. The effects of stress can be harmful to your body. The long-term effects of stress can even become a precursor for various chronic diseases.  What assists me with stress is to take control of my life and situations by decreasing negative thoughts, […]

A Quick Tip to Help You Drink More Water

Sometimes I get to the end of my workday and realize how little water I have drunk. I have good intentions, with bottled water in my office, beautiful water bottles, and even access to a water cooler – however, the pace of the day gets going and it just doesn’t always happen. Something I have tried […]

How to Grow Your Own Vegetables

I didn’t want to title this blog “How to Start a Garden” because that already sounds too complicated. I don’t have time. I don’t know how to “garden”. I don’t have a green thumb. But I know vegetables need soil, water and sunlight. So let’s start there! Two years ago, I started with a small […]

Tips to Sleep Soundly

Sleep is hard to come by this time of year. I often push it off when I have other things I need to do, such as wrapping presents and preparing for holiday parties. I heard these interesting sleep statistics on the local radio station from John Tesh and thought I would share. These little tidbits […]

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Did anyone else have a crazy week last week or was it just me? I feel like I’m tangled in to-do lists that never seem to end. The days are getting shorter and add packing, traveling, and preparing thanksgiving meals on top and our lists can almost get out of control. This past weekend I […]