Kale Napa Cabbage Slaw

If you are looking for fresh ways to add more vegetables to your diet, look no further than this Kale Napa Cabbage Slaw. With combinations such as lime and Dijon mustard paired with cabbage and kale, this light and flavorful slaw is sure to become a favorite. You can also top this slaw with salmon […]

Tips for Having Healthy Foods at Meetings

Perhaps you have attended a meeting or gathering that had food and drinks available, but the options were not the most nutritious. Most people consume a diet that is high in saturated fat and sugar, but low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Having healthier foods and drinks at all food-related events is possible and […]

How to Clean Your Earbuds

I hate picking up my iPad or iPhone when they are ultra-dirty with a film of crud. The same goes for my ear buds which are havens for bacteria that can cause ear infections. I try each week to get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of aerobic physical activity at a moderate level […]

How to Make Fridge Pickles

Although I love pickles year-round, I do find that I make them much more often during the summer. This is probably due to the abundance of fresh produce. However, when I make pickles, I make the variety referred to as fridge pickles. This is because fridge pickles do not require the canning, vacuum seals, or […]

Mindful Eating Tip – Eat One At a Time

Mindful eating is an evidence-based strategy to maintain or lose weight, as eating mindfully helps us pay attention to what and how much we are eating. Mindful eating strategies include paying attention to our hunger levels (as the Grinch would say, “am I eating because I’m bored?”), eating slowly with awareness of each bite, and […]