Diabetes Alert Day

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012 research showed that over 29 million Americans were said to have diabetes. That number is minuscule when compared to the 86 million adults who have prediabetes. Prediabetes is when a person’s blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered […]

Turn Stress on It’s Head

Stress, something that everyone would say they experience from time to time. Stress can be from anything; work, finances, lack of time, family, or other responsibilities can be stressors for people. Some types of stress can be good for the body in ways that it challenges and spurs people on, but bad stress can take […]

The Comparison Struggle

The comparison struggle Okay, here it goes. I struggle with comparison. It is not something that I am proud of, but I know that I can work on this area of my life. Recently it’s been very apparent when I look at images of “perfect young 20-somethings” plastered all over social media and they all […]

March is National Nutrition Month

  Have you noticed that each decade that passes holds new possibilities? Well it’s the same with foods and giving your body the right nutrients for success. If you are in your 20’s, this is the time for young women to build bone. Women should be getting as much calcium as they can (about 1,000 […]

Move More at Work

If you are like me, and most of your work is done in front of a computer, it can be hard to stay active during the 8+ hours you are at the office. Adding in a few extra steps and a few extra movements wherever you can will begin to add up. There are a few […]

My Experience with JawBone

Two of our most popular blogs are on FitBit (over 5,000 views!) and Nike FuelBand, so I think it’s time I write about my experience with JawBone. When I was researching fitness trackers, I was mainly focusing on price and ease of use. I settled on an older version of JawBone that was on sale and much […]

Heels Over Head at 49+

No, I’m not advocating a handstand pushup anytime soon in your life, but when you’re moving toward a certain milestone birthday, you may wish to set some S.M.A.R.T. fitness goals that you never dreamed of hitting! Thus, I decided last Spring (2015) to do a handstand pushup before I was __0 {look at blog title if […]

Healthy Soup Recipes

We have had a few chilly days here in Raleigh. Overall, this winter has been very mild compared to others, but still…. a cold day is a cold day. And what comforts us on a cold day? Soup! Soup is my go-to as soon as the temperatures start to dip. The possibilities are endless; hearty chili, […]

Beat the Morning Drag

Every night before I go to bed I use my phone to set my alarm. When I say “set my alarm” I should let you know that I have two sometimes three alarms set for the morning. I do not set three alarms because I cannot wake up, but it is because I want those […]