Runnin’ Down a Dream

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Do you have a bucket list??  lauren-boston-1-1024x1024Have you made that list of places you want to see, accomplishments you want to achieve or crazy new things you want to try??  I would encourage everyone to make a bucket list.   It keeps us on our toes, keeps us striving to achieve new things, and keeps life interesting.

On April 18, 2016, I checked one more thing off my bucket list.  I ran the Boston Marathon. Without a doubt it was a dream come true!  This was my third marathon and by far the most meaningful. This was my ultimate race (as it is for many long distance runners), of course because of its notoriety but also because I grew up outside of Boston and it was like going home to me.  I was even able to show my own 3 kids my childhood home, elementary school and quaint hometown – it was a sweet walk down memory lane.

It wasn’t smooth sailing to get to the starting line though.  I qualified in the winter of 2014 and I had to wait patiently for April 2016 to come.  As I trained, I faced a few frustrating injuries and at times I honestly didn’t think Boston was going to happen for me.  There were definitely tears along the way, but those challenges only made race day that much sweeter. Luckily, I not only made it to the starting line, but I made it to the finish line.  Was it my fastest marathon? No.  But this time it wasn’t about the clock for me, it was about being in the MOMENT and enjoying the EXPERIENCE of it all. I was just so appreciative to be there and I wanted to try to soak up every ounce of the day. I wanted to give it my all but to be mindful and present at the same time.  The energy of the day was indescribable. The crowds, fans and volunteers were like no other, lined up for the entire 26.2 miles to give us that extra high five, smile and bit of encouragement we needed.  I was so lucky to have 12 of my own family members on the side lines that day.  It was, without a doubt, a day I will remember forever.lauren-boston-2-683x1024

I share this experience with you to encourage you to work towards your dreams too.  Know that it might not always be easy, there may be obstacles to overcome, but don’t give up.  The feeling of achievement once you reach that goal can last a lifetime! Now, what will you check off your bucket list next??