Quote bubble that says from a participant

“My awareness and mindfulness increased.”

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant that completed the program: “The program has been great by increasing my awareness and mindfulness regarding health activities. I’ve always exercised regularly, but being aware of diet and behaviors has been key. My weight was already in an acceptable range (per […]

My Dessert Dilemma

I love dessert! Once my husband and I became empty nesters, dessert became a real dilemma for me since my husband doesn’t eat sweets. I would bake a dessert and have a serving each day. As the days went on, the dessert would become stale or soggy, and I would end up tossing the rest […]

Hot Weather Alert

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, residents across North Carolina and the country experienced record-breaking heat. I spent the weekend slathered in sunscreen, playing pickleball, and then cooling down in my community pool. When the summer temperatures reach the 90s, I like to keep some frozen bandanas in my freezer to put on when I […]

I’m too busy for Self-Care!

There are days or seasons of life when we feel like we have too much on our plate to consider ourselves and our health. I would like to challenge this mindset and instead view taking care of your health as a spectrum and it is important to acknowledge where you are on that spectrum will […]

Rethink Takeout

Busy lifestyles compete with time spent in the home kitchen. Ordering takeout can seem like the easiest, most convenient option on a weeknight. Eating out provides convenient nourishment as well as opportunities for socializing, celebrating, and experiencing new flavors. There is nothing wrong with eating out because it is one of life’s pleasures. However, it […]

Quote bubble that says from a participant

“A great program to live healthier”

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant that completed the program: “Thanks for leading a great program to live healthier!  I was concerned the course might place too much emphasis on losing weight and was pleased that healthy eating and moving more strategies were the focus. I was […]

Level Up Your Cooking Skills with Marinating

Marinating adds flavor and moisture to food and is an easy technique to incorporate into your cooking skill set. It is the process of soaking meats or vegetables in a seasoned liquid before cooking. Marinades often use an acid (like vinegar or citrus) to enhance flavors. You can buy store-bought marinades, but making your own […]

Four Ways to Reduce Cortisol

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. It is made in the adrenal gland and is elevated when we experience heightened anxiety or stress. When we are relaxed, it is decreased. Chronic stress means chronically high cortisol. While cortisol is needed for the fight or flight response when we experience acute stress, chronically high cortisol […]