How I Got My Family to Eat Vegetables

My extended family eats healthy, maybe not super healthy but moderately so. Whenever the whole crew gathers, 10 of us, for special occasions, deciding what to serve can be challenging. Just recently, I decided to try roasted vegetables just to see if they we would be at least tolerated. It was my Mother’s 81st birthday […]

Vegetable of the Week: Baby Bok Choy

This week’s vegetable is baby bok choy.  Why you ask? It was on sale at Harris Teeter. Baby Bok Choy  It’s in the same produce section as spinach, greens, and collards. Like cauliflower, it is packed with vitamins (A, C, and K) and minerals (iron, potassium, and calcium) and is a good source of fiber. […]

Quick & Healthy Game Day App

Football season is upon us. Whether it’s setting up a tent at a tailgate or cheering for your team from your living room, having something to snack on is essential. My favorite NFL team was playing last night, and I was searching for something that I could munch on during the game. Traditional game day […]

I Found My Waffle Iron

  I recently reorganized my kitchen and I found my waffle iron! We don’t have too many quiet Saturdays but I really enjoy waffles and eggs on a Saturday morning. I have recently tried out a few other recipes in it as well. Falafel Waffles Zucchini Fritters (super yummy!) I haven’t tried these but Cooking Light […]

The (Free!) 2016 Holiday Challenge

  The 2016 Eat Smart, Move More, Maintain, don’t gain! Holiday Challenge This holiday season, the only thing that should be “stuffed” is the turkey.  Many Americans gain between 1 and 5 pounds each holiday season. While it may not sound like much, most people never manage to lose these extra pounds. Last year’s Holiday […]

Vegetable of the Week: Cauliflower

My husband is a vegetarian and I cook a lot of vegetarian meals for dinner. We keep a pretty stocked pantry of vegetarian items  that I have blogged about in the past.  However, we started tracking how many vegetables we ate and it was a lot lower than expected. We decided to try cooking new […]