Rest Up

We all have stresses in our lives. These stresses range from our daily work to financial situations and can often haunt us while trying to rest at night. More and more each year, Americans are becoming sleep deprived, and the effects are much greater than a yawn throughout the day. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to […]

Stress a Lot Less

In our daily lives, many get distracted from enjoying life because of stress. The effects of stress can be harmful to your body. The long-term effects of stress can even become a precursor for various chronic diseases.  What assists me with stress is to take control of my life and situations by decreasing negative thoughts, […]

Just a Closer Walk with the Parents

Being a caregiver (new phrase in life’s cycle ) has proven to be stressful beyond anything I could have possibly imagined prior to 2016. I wrote candidly last year for Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less about physical activity with my parents, not realizing that this physical activity would become even more minimal at the […]