Just let me have one bite

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hersheys_dunnblogYou may ask what good is one bite of my favorite dessert or other high calorie food? I want the whole thing! When faced with an “all or nothing” decision about a high calorie favorite food, new research on how we react to ONE BITE may help.

A study recently showed that after one or two bites of even a favorite food, we derive no more satisfaction if we keep eating. The pleasure of eating the food is gained in the first taste – not the multiple bites after or cleaning the plate. Eating more after the first one to two bites adds calories but no more enjoyment.


The trick is to be able to put your fork down after the first or second bite. Some strategies to achieve this are:

  • Share with multiple people so your “share” of the food is only one or two bites.
  • Remove yourself or the food – place the food in a hard to open container, take out your one bite and close it back up.
  • Buy foods in small portion sizes – think fun size candy bars or kisses.


Remember to savor the one to two bites you do take – take your time and enjoy the memory.




2 thoughts on “Just let me have one bite

  1. Great idea…I was brought up in the time when it was a “sin” to waste food. This is just a new way of thinking!!!!

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