Healthy 4th of July Recipes

Happy Birthday, America! 4th of July Weekend is upon us, and that means cookouts, family, and celebrations. How do you continue to eat smart at a potluck? Or when there is an apple pie staring at you? Here are a few tips (and healthy 4th of July recipes!). Don’t go to the cookout, potluck, or […]

A Quick Tip to Help You Drink More Water

Sometimes I get to the end of my workday and realize how little water I have drunk. I have good intentions, with bottled water in my office, beautiful water bottles, and even access to a water cooler – however, the pace of the day gets going and it just doesn’t always happen. Something I have tried […]

Make Your Own Smoothie Bowl

Summer is here! That means lots of fabulous options at the farmers’ market with fresh fruits and vegetables galore. And blueberries. There is nothing quite like the sweet taste of fresh summer berries. And now I was in need of something to do with all these blueberries. You have probably heard, seen, or tasted the trendy […]

Living Happily Ever After With Oatmeal

As part of my work, I help develop nutrition content for our programs, most recently the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program.   Whenever I am developing sample menus for breakfast, I naturally include breakfast items that include the three components that are covered in the Start Smart lesson of this program:  whole grain, fruit, […]

Diabetes Alert Day

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012 research showed that over 29 million Americans were said to have diabetes. That number is minuscule when compared to the 86 million adults who have prediabetes. Prediabetes is when a person’s blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered […]

March is National Nutrition Month

  Have you noticed that each decade that passes holds new possibilities? Well it’s the same with foods and giving your body the right nutrients for success. If you are in your 20’s, this is the time for young women to build bone. Women should be getting as much calcium as they can (about 1,000 […]

Healthy Soup Recipes

We have had a few chilly days here in Raleigh. Overall, this winter has been very mild compared to others, but still…. a cold day is a cold day. And what comforts us on a cold day? Soup! Soup is my go-to as soon as the temperatures start to dip. The possibilities are endless; hearty chili, […]

Best Toast of 2016- The Med Way

Is there anything better than toasted bread? Toast in the morning, toast at dinner, toast most anytime for me, a true toast lover. How do you get your toast fix and still stay true to your Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less lifestyle? Here is a simple two-step process for having your toast and eating […]