Reframing Occasional Sleep Difficulty

We think of nutrition and exercise as foundational for good health but sleep is equally as important. Prioritizing sleep is vital for your overall health and getting good quality sleep depends on a variety of factors. Our bodies have primary drives including the need for food, water, and sleep. Even though it may feel like […]

Spring forward Fall back

In the Spring, the clocks move ahead one hour and move back one hour in the Fall. According to the CDC, this time shift can take about one week for our bodies to adjust to a new schedule. Until you have adjusted you may experience trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or even waking up at […]

8 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

How have you been sleeping lately? It is usually not easy to fit in a full 8 hours of restful sleep, especially with busy schedules and any holiday stress. Regardless of what is going on in your life, prioritizing sleep is important for your overall health and well-being. Getting enough restful sleep is important for […]

Rest Up

We all have stresses in our lives. These stresses range from our daily work to financial situations and can often haunt us while trying to rest at night. More and more each year, Americans are becoming sleep deprived, and the effects are much greater than a yawn throughout the day. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to […]