Holiday Challenge Week #6: Workout of the Week

Week #6 of the Holiday Challenge, we are focusing on strengthening our chest and back! Every week throughout the Holiday Challenge, we are posting a resistance workout for participants looking to engage in muscle-strengthening activities. Each workout has a different focus, but all include modifications so that individuals of various fitness levels can participate. We […]

Holiday Challenge Week #5: Workout of the Week

Week #5 of the Holiday Challenge, we are focusing on strengthening our arms and shoulders! Every week throughout the Holiday Challenge, we are posting a resistance workout for participants looking to engage in muscle-strengthening activities. Each workout has a different focus, but all include modifications so that individuals of various fitness levels can participate. We […]

Start Your Morning on the Right Foot

Unless you are an early bird through and through, you might struggle to jump right out of bed ready to tackle the day every single morning. Not to mention the “morning rush” you may experience trying to get your household and yourself out the door. It is time to check in with yourself and evaluate […]

8 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

How have you been sleeping lately? It is usually not easy to fit in a full 8 hours of restful sleep, especially with busy schedules and any holiday stress. Regardless of what is going on in your life, prioritizing sleep is important for your overall health and well-being. Getting enough restful sleep is important for […]

Stretches You Can Do in Your Office

Regardless of whether you are working in an office or from home, you are likely to find yourself sitting for long periods of time throughout the day. While we could all benefit from moving more throughout the day, we could also benefit from stretching. Sitting for a long time places stress on our bodies, especially […]

Holiday Challenge Week #4: Workout of the Week

Week #4 of the Holiday Challenge, we are focusing on strengthening our entire body with a HIIT workout! High-intensity interval training (HIIT) combines short, maximal effort work intervals with rest intervals. While this is a muscle-strengthening workout, performing it in a HIIT style also makes it an aerobic activity that contributes to your weekly aerobic […]

Navigating Plateaus and Setbacks

As you work towards your goals, you may experience plateaus or setbacks. Maybe the number on the scale is not where you want it, or maybe you are not engaging in physical activity as often as you planned. It is frustrating when you feel as if you are moving backward rather than moving forward, but […]

Risky or Not?

Have you ever wondered if it is safe to eat yogurt past its best by date or thaw poultry at room temperature? Maybe you are unsure if you can eat those roasted vegetables you left on the counter overnight or if you can store butter at room temperature. For all of your food safety related […]