healthy state fair

How to Stay Healthy at the State Fair

No matter where you are reading this from geographically, the autumn season brings exciting annual traditions! One of my favorite traditions is to attend the North Carolina State Fair. Even if you do not attend your own state fair, similar events are held in local towns as well.  No matter the size and location of […]

best lunch box

5 Tips to Purchasing The Best Lunch Box Ever

Congratulations, if you are purchasing a lunch box you are committed to taking your lunch. Good for you for preparing on Sundays, evenings or early mornings, grab and go, portioned healthy choices. Keeping your commitment to take healthy lunches includes picking the right lunch box. The next time you decide to treat yourself to a […]

La Croix can

The Best Sparkling Water Flavors

Sparkling water has been on the rise in recent years, with more brands and more flavors popping up all the time. Sparkling water is a great alternative to soda, as it is bubbly and refreshing without any added sugar or artificial sweeteners. However, make sure to double check the label of your sparking water as […]

busy schedule, back to school

How to Plan for Busy Fall Schedules

Students and teachers are now back at school! For the rest of us, it is almost time to say goodbye to summer. When seasons and schedules change throughout the year, it is important to have a plan to continue incorporating healthy practices into daily routines. I am currently adjusting to a busier schedule with work […]

online weight loss

“I lost 26 pounds” – David

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant, David, as he completed the program: “I attended all 15 sessions and really enjoyed my instructor’s positive attitude and knowledge of weight, diet, strength, and flexibility concepts. I lost 26 lbs by tracking and thinking about the interaction of diet, strength […]

Bear claws can be seen on a can of La Croix sparkling water

La Croix, a Front Porch, and a Bear

Our team was having a conversation about our favorite sparkling water brands (more of that in a blog soon!) and it reminded me of the last time I had La Croix on a front porch. We stayed in a cabin near Boone, NC in the Blue Ridge Mountains last fall. Our first night we built […]