Create a Culture of Wellness

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A workplace is great starting point for employee health improvement. corporate wellnessWhen a culture of wellness exists, healthy behaviors become the norm in a work environment. The presence of this type of culture can improve the outcomes of a corporate wellness program due to the supportive and reinforcing environment. A workplace that possesses a culture of wellness supports these attributes to overall health:

  • Physical activity and exercise efforts are supported
  • Healthy foods are offered
  • Emotional health is valued
  • Importance of preventive care is emphasized
  • Leadership is engaged in wellness activities
  • Policies are in place to reinforce healthy behavior

In an upcoming blog series, we are going to provide tips and strategies to improve these health focus areas within your organization. A few examples include ideas for active team meetings, ways to be active at your desk, leadership engagement, and many more!

Stay tuned!

 employee wellness

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