Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant who completed the program:
“I started ESMMWL on May 23rd with Carrie as our class lead. My goal statement was “Lose 20 pounds at the end of these 15 weeks. Lose 15-20 pounds”. Each week I learned more about the importance of nutrition to incorporate into my Weight Watchers points. I became discouraged watching the scale! I was doing all the right things – except for one which Carrie helped me understand. I was working out 5 days per week and on some of those days, I attended two classes. I also became a certified volunteer for United Way leading a Bone Builders class. I was developing noticeable muscles, becoming stronger and less tired. I was focused on the scale and lost sight of what I was accomplishing. Thank you, Carrie and ESMMWL for helping me see and appreciate that I had become healthier and even lost 2 inches from my waist during these 15 weeks. I became dedicated to exercise as well as helping others get into exercise. Thank you ESMMWL, Carrie, and AgeWell for helping me discover all of this.”
– Dayle, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Participant
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