Jumping Into At-Home Workouts

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At-home workouts became a staple when gyms and fitness studios closed during the start of the pandemic. Even as those spaces have re-opened, at-home workouts remain a convenient and budget-friendly way to incorporate movement into your day. Whether at-home workouts are in your routine or not, they are a great option during the holiday season when holidays and travel may disrupt your routine. Maybe you used to have a great at-home workout routine in place but have not been keeping up with it lately. Or are you looking for a new routine or a change to your current one? Regardless, here are some tips to help you kickstart an at-home workout routine:

  1. Make a realistic plan.
  • Look at your current routine. Think about how many times you want to work out and for how long. Schedule those workouts and stick to them!
  • Make time for workouts. Maybe it isn’t realistic for you to block off an hour a day. Maybe you could fit in 30 minutes, or three 10-minute workouts.
  1. Make it convenient.
  • Think about ways to incorporate short bursts of activity throughout your day. Take a walk around your home or office for 5 minutes every hour. After 30 minutes of sitting, spend 2 minutes standing and engaging in light stretching.
  • Wear clothes you can be active in. This eliminates the need to completely change when it is time for your workout or you realize you have a few minutes for movement.
  1. Designate your space.
  • Establishing and setting up your space can help you get into a good mindset for your workout.
  • You don’t need a dedicated workout room. If you can fit a mat or towel on the floor, that is all the space you need.
  • Keep any weights/equipment in your space. For example, can make a good set of light weights.
  1. Create accountability.
  • Plan to work out with other people in your household. Align your schedules and interests to create a partnered routine. You can also work out virtually with friends or co-workers.
  • Ask a friend or family member to be your accountability partner. Communicate your weekly plan with them, and reach out when you have completed your workouts.
  • Download an app to track your workouts. Some fitness apps include both workouts and tracking features.
  • Put a physical calendar on your desk or the wall. Log your workouts where you can see your progress and consistency.
  1. Try something new.
  • Try a new workout format. If you always do a HIIT workout, try yoga or pilates. If you always follow along with a video, try following a written routine and playing music in the background.
  1. Take your workout outside.
  • Try your typical workout in the sunshine rather than inside. Don’t forget to dress appropriately for the weather and drink plenty of water, especially if it is warm.
  • If you have time, you can even go on a short walk before and/or after to extend your time outdoors.

How can an at-home workout elevate your movement routine this holiday season?

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