Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant, Maggie, as she completed the program:
“One day I received an email from our HR Department that said our company would like to pay for the Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less program. I was not sure if I was able to lose weight, but I thought I would like to try because it only took 15 weeks.
The class is very interesting and easy to follow through. It is about nutrition choices and balance, motivation, planning and exercising. Our coach (Ms. Steph Bryant) treated us with great patience and humor. I received comments from her for my weight and exercise updates on My Dashboard each week. It helped me to learn more nutritional knowledge. She works very hard, most of her feedback was sent out on the weekend.
Before the last class, I took a fasting lab at the doctor’s office. All my numbers fit into the Normal Range. My doctor emailed that I am a normal person now. I have been walking to work for two years, but I did not lose weight. After this 15 week program, not only did I lose weight, but also, I became a healthier employee. It is a priceless gift I received from Ms. Steph Bryant and my employer in my lifetime.
I wish more people would join this program. The sooner, the better.
“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessing.” – Publilius Syrus”
-Maggie, Recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Participant
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