online weight loss

“I lost 26 pounds” – David

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant, David, as he completed the program: “I attended all 15 sessions and really enjoyed my instructor’s positive attitude and knowledge of weight, diet, strength, and flexibility concepts. I lost 26 lbs by tracking and thinking about the interaction of diet, strength […]

employee wellness

“This program was a game-changer for me.”

Below is an anonymous testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant: “This program was a game-changer for me. I have always struggled with my weight and have tried a lot of different diets. There is a lot of confusing and conflicting information out there. This program got me back to the basics. […]

Diets: Fad or Fact Webinar Recording

Recording Now Available: Diets: Fad or Fact Presented by Dr. Carolyn Dunn, Professor and Nutrition Specialist at NC State University You asked, we listened! Based on your feedback, the next webinar will focus on various popular diets and the evidence (or lack thereof) behind them. Diets covered will include Whole30, Paleo, Detox, Low Carb, and […]

“Woohoo! Last summer’s jeans fit again!”

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant: “Woohoo! Last summer’s jeans fit again! I just want to take this opportunity to thank my instructor for a great class. Her enthusiasm is very motivating and her messages have helped me to revise my goal to focus on increasing movement […]