Participant Testimonial: “Hooray! I did it! I did it! I lost 20 pounds!”

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We are thrilled to share the following testimonial from Jacqueline, a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant. WAY TO GO, JAQUELINE!


“Hooray! I did it! I did it! I lost 20 pounds! I can’t believe it! Drinking water, walking and being mindful of what I’m putting into my body and…..Wow! I can really feel and see my body change and did I mention how great I feel and my sugar has dropped from a steady 254-312 down to a steady 104-129? Oh my God! I could cry. I’m so happy!!! Thank you so much to my instructor and to this program for helping me to finally do something about my life! This is not just about weight, it’s really about changing your lifestyle! online nutritionI now know that I will meet my ideal weight in the next few months! I can SEE it! One thing I’ve realized is that motivation is the key and I’m the only one that can change my life. I don’t need a diet or miracle pill to lose weight. Just a little motivation and better food choices. I’ve also realized that I had to WANT to change my lifestyle and the choices that I make every day. I’m just SO HAPPY and I’m getting stronger every day. Did I tell you how happy I am?…LOL

This program was the springboard to help me dive into a new lifestyle change. If anyone fails to lose weight and get healthier on this program, it will be because they are not applying what they’re learning to their daily lives. It’s always hard getting started but I must say that it’s really very easy to make simple changes that are going to help you live a healthier life. I’m so happy that I finally signed up for this class. I don’t know what I was waiting for. It was absolutely the best decision I’ve made all year! This past Sunday I was visiting family and I took my favorite dress and when I tried it on to go to church, it was way too big. I will not be able to wear it again and that gave me the perfect excuse to buy a new one!…Lol. I would love to send you a before and after picture whenever I meet my goal next year! It’s going to be exciting! 🙂

I want to thank you for providing such a wonderful program to help people start a “forever” lifestyle change. I have learned so much and I’m so excited to see what my future holds.”

-Jaqueline, Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Participant


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