My Strength Training Success Story

Strength training twice a week is one of the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less strategies. I wasn’t incorporating this strategy in my lifestyle so I decided to try it for six months and see what would happen. I’ve highlighted some of my successes and how I have celebrated them without using food. If you […]

Diets: Fad or Fact Webinar Recording

Recording Now Available: Diets: Fad or Fact Presented by Dr. Carolyn Dunn, Professor and Nutrition Specialist at NC State University You asked, we listened! Based on your feedback, the next webinar will focus on various popular diets and the evidence (or lack thereof) behind them. Diets covered will include Whole30, Paleo, Detox, Low Carb, and […]

Why Employees Participate in Corporate Wellness Challenges and Activities

Employees participate in wellness challenges for a lot of different reasons. A strong wellness program or challenge should include components that incorporate many of those reasons. Provide Opportunities to Make Healthy Changes Screenings, wellness challenges, wellness fairs, and disseminating health-related information via company networks are good starting places to help employees be more aware of […]