Rest Up

We all have stresses in our lives. These stresses range from our daily work to financial situations and can often haunt us while trying to rest at night. More and more each year, Americans are becoming sleep deprived, and the effects are much greater than a yawn throughout the day. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to […]

Recording of MED Instead of MEDS Webinar

Recording Now Available  Nutrition Decisions Webinar – MED Instead of MEDS for Better Health Presented by Dr. Carolyn Dunn, Professor and Nutrition Specialist, NC State University Can the Mediterranean Diet help prevent chronic diseases? What IS the Mediterranean Diet? Dr. Carolyn Dunn discussed benefits of the Mediterranean Diet and how to make simple swaps to your everyday meals. She […]

Registration Open: FREE Holiday Challenge!

The 2016 Eat Smart, Move More, Maintain, don’t gain! Holiday Challenge This holiday season, the only thing that should be “stuffed” is the turkey.  Many Americans gain between 1 and 5 pounds each holiday season. While it may not sound like much, most people never manage to lose these extra pounds. You are invited to join […]

Good Shoes Make Happy Feet

There are many types and brands of athletic, casual, and dress shoes. With so many varieties available, one should buy a shoe for  comfort over the look as there are many things to consider that can potentially lead to foot problems. There are many benefits to wearing a good fitting shoe. An appropriate shoe can […]

Free Webinar: Med Instead of Meds for Better Health

 Nutrition Decisions Webinar – MED Instead of MEDS for Better Health Putting Delicious Back on the Menu Presented by Dr. Carolyn Dunn, Professor and Nutrition Specialist, NC State University What is the Mediterranean Diet? How can it help me prevent chronic diseases? What are simple food swaps I can make? She will also announce the new […]