Moving from I Can’t to I Can!—Physical Activity Barriers and Solutions for Older Adults

To honor September as Healthy Aging Month, it seems fitting to talk about the importance of physical activity for older adults.  The benefits of regular, moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, on our mental and physical health are very clear; however, as we age, there are more and more barriers to doing this on […]

Quote bubble that says from a participant

“Total cholesterol dropped 45 points”

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant that completed the program: “I have taken two of your classes. In 2020, I participated in Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes. By following the program and preparing more meals on the Mediterranean Diet, I had much success with weight loss […]

Quote bubble that says from a participant

“My awareness and mindfulness increased.”

Below is a testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant that completed the program: “The program has been great by increasing my awareness and mindfulness regarding health activities. I’ve always exercised regularly, but being aware of diet and behaviors has been key. My weight was already in an acceptable range (per […]

I’m too busy for Self-Care!

There are days or seasons of life when we feel like we have too much on our plate to consider ourselves and our health. I would like to challenge this mindset and instead view taking care of your health as a spectrum and it is important to acknowledge where you are on that spectrum will […]

Aspirational versus Inspirational

In my recent blog post, Avoid the Trap of Comparison, I referred to “health and wellness” social media content as aspirational. I did this because most of social media’s “health and wellness” content is aspirational.  Aspiration refers to ambition whereas inspiration refers to the urge to do something. Aspiration motivates an individual to achieve a […]

Avoid the Trap of Comparison

Even just a casual scroll through your social media feeds can trigger feelings of not being enough. With the prevalence of social media, it is so easy to become consumed with comparing oneself to others who appear to be living their best life. You may not even realize you are internalizing the messages on your […]

2023 NC Year of the Trail

Did you know that North Carolina is the Great Trails State and that 2023 is the NC Year of the Trail? The “NC Year of the Trail” is the largest statewide celebration of the vast network of trails, greenways, and blueways that showcase the state’s diverse landscapes. Goals for NC Year of the Trail: I’ve […]