One Week Until the Holiday Challenge!

One week until the start of the 10th annual Holiday Challenge! Looking for a little extra support over the holidays? Join us as we eat smart and move more throughout the hectic holiday season. The Holiday Challenge is a free seven-week program available for anyone over 18. The Holiday Challenge runs from November 16th through December […]

Eating in Cubeland

Anyone ever assigned or sentenced to spending her or his work life in a 6’ x 8’ cube has probably experienced the challenges of unhealthy in such a transparent and publically open environment. Unlike their traditional closed office cousins, work cubes have no doors to restrict the flow of unwanted visitors, no windows to welcome […]

The Pure Joy of Buying a Bike

I have not many bought many bikes. I was recently faced with a couple of aging bikes at my parents house. They live in an area where biking is really easy with bike lanes and neighborhood streets. I decided to go to a nearby famous retail store to purchase new bikes. After making two fine […]

A Participant’s View: Spice It Up!

If you have been following my Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less experience through my blogs and you read the argument between “Old Lynne” and “New Lynne” last week [See “When the Scale is Unkind, Give Up????”], I think you will be pleased to know that “New Lynne” took the reins for this past week.   Instead […]

Healthy Food Costs vs Unhealthy Food Costs

According to a new study by The Center for Science and Public Interest, healthy food options do not cost more than unhealthy food options. Fruits and vegetables are nutritious AND affordable. Most Americans do not eat the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables and one reason for this is because of the belief that fruits and vegetables are more […]


I am not sure if anyone else is a morning person, but if someone described me, they would definitely describe me as an “early bird.” Even though I try to sleep in on the weekends, and by sleeping in I mean 8:30am or so, I try to pack my day with memorable activities and if […]