Work from Home – Best Practices

By now, many of us have transitioned to working from home. This is a new experience for a lot of people and it can take some adjusting to find your work groove. When working from home, it’s easy for you to become your own worst enemy. Personally, I get the urge to procrastinate work work […]

Free Ways to Exercise at Home

Last year, we released a list of resources for free at-home workouts and meditation apps. We have updated the information to reflect current information and added a few additional resources. There is a silver lining to our new normal!  As we are all staying safe at home these days with fewer commitments and social engagements, […]

Meal Prep Mediterranean Lunch Salad

I’m a big fan of weekend meal prep and I’ve found that meal prep is especially important for my lunches. Most mornings, I’m usually rushing out the door to work or school so having a ready-to-go lunch helps to keep me on track with my healthy eating. However, it’s easy for me to become stuck […]

Is your water bottle making you sick?

The “green” trend of folks having a refillable water bottle as opposed to drinking so many disposable bottles of water is great. Less plastic bottles in the landfill. However, I recently sat in a meeting beside a water table and watched people refill their bottles all day. I was horrified to count the number of […]