banana oatmeal pancakes

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

Have you ever considered making pancakes with some of those ripe bananas at home? This Banana Oatmeal Pancakes recipe is a simple and tasty alternative to traditional pancakes and comes from the Med Instead of Meds website. Try this amazing breakfast dish with your favorite fruit, peanut butter or chopped nuts on top! Serves 2Serving […]

Decorating Exercises

Fitmas Tree Challenge

Even though Thanksgiving is around the corner, many people may start to decorate their home for the holidays beforehand. Whether you are a proactive decorator or a procrastinator, there are a few options to make your home a winter wonderland while also fitting in a quick workout that requires no equipment. My family and I […]

roasted vegetable tacos

Roasted Vegetable Tacos

I am always looking for interesting taco fillings. I experimented recently with roasted vegetables. The key is to cut the vegetables small (1/4-inch cubes) and roast them well with taco seasoning. I don’t like to use premade taco seasoning because of the high salt. It is super easy to make your own using this recipe. […]

drink water

Creative Ways to Stay Hydrated

Sometimes I struggle to consume enough water each day, even though I know there are many health benefits of staying hydrated. If you need some creative ways to stay hydrated this fall, try these tips! Make water your preferred your beverage throughout the day and make other beverages (soda, fruit drinks, etc.) something you have […]

fitbit versa review

Fitbit Versa Review: Pros and Cons

This summer I had to replace my beloved Samsung Gear tracker. It had enough of my running and flat out refused to connect to my phone anymore. I really wanted the Garmin Fenix 5 but could not spend that much money on a tracker. So I decided on the FitBit Versa because it can track […]

holiday challenge

The 2018 Holiday Challenge Taste Test

The annual (and free) Eat Smart, Move More, maintain don’t gain Holiday Challenge consists of many resources for participants, including healthy holiday recipes. And someone has to TASTE those recipes to make sure they are actually delicious and easy (and healthy)! Each year we hold a Taste Test to determine which recipes will be included in […]

healthy pumpkin

Fall Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Fall is here, and it’s time for cute family pictures, sweaters, apple cider, and pumpkin-flavored…everything! The pumpkin patch is such an enjoyable fall attraction for kids and adults of all ages, and a great way to be active as a family. Pumpkin patches may have any number of activities so use that as an opportunity […]