Seven Simple Questions: Know Your Risk

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has created a simple screening tool that we use on the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes website to help people consider their risk for prediabetes. Below is background information on why these questions are included and how they relate to your potential risk for developing prediabetes […]

Make Vegetables Cravable

We all know we should eat more vegetables. It is one of the few things upon which nutrition experts continue to agree. How do we get more vegetables, not just in the refrigerator or on the plate, but actually eaten? We have to make vegetables cravable.  We have to make vegetables a dish that friends […]

Create a Culture of Wellness

A workplace is great starting point for employee health improvement. When a culture of wellness exists, healthy behaviors become the norm in a work environment. The presence of this type of culture can improve the outcomes of a corporate wellness program due to the supportive and reinforcing environment. A workplace that possesses a culture of […]

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Screen Time

One of my goals for the year was to reduce the amount of time I spent on social media and to instead, just live in the moment. Instead of being burdened by taking a perfect picture, crafting a clever caption, and keeping track of the number of likes, I decided to look UP (something I learned […]

Tired of the Same Old Fruit?

Eating more fruit is one of the hallmarks of the Mediterranean lifestyle. If you are like me, you sometimes get stuck in a fruit rut – apples, oranges, and the occasional banana. I love all fruit but just get in fruit jags that don’t make my fruit eating very exciting. Enter kiwi. I love kiwi […]