Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less In the News

The following articles feature Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program results: Mindful eating can help weight loss, study shows The Guardian, May 2017 Why desk lunches could be seriously scuppering your weight loss goals Huffington Post UK, May 2017 Switch off the TV at meal times if you want to lose weight  The Telegraph, […]

Make Vegetables Cravable

We all know we should eat more vegetables. It is one of the few things upon which nutrition experts continue to agree. How do we get more vegetables, not just in the refrigerator or on the plate, but actually eaten? We have to make vegetables cravable.  We have to make vegetables a dish that friends […]

Tired of the Same Old Fruit?

Eating more fruit is one of the hallmarks of the Mediterranean lifestyle. If you are like me, you sometimes get stuck in a fruit rut – apples, oranges, and the occasional banana. I love all fruit but just get in fruit jags that don’t make my fruit eating very exciting. Enter kiwi. I love kiwi […]

No Need to Stop the Green!

I love St. Patrick’s Day. Not only because I am part Irish or the usual traditions associated with this holiday. But simply because it is the one day out of the year when nearly everything around me is my favorite color. Green! Green decorations. Green clothes. Green food! And I’m not talking about the kind […]