How to Make Healthy Deviled Eggs

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I heard one of our team members raving about the deviled eggs on our new website so decided it was my duty as a good colleague to try them out. Oh my gosh. They are my new fav. On busy work days when everything seems to be a whirlwind, you need a quick (and healthy!) lunch option.  When you pull these eggs out of your lunchbox (with a cooler pack of course) your day is made.healthy deviled eggs

As you will see in the recipe preface, the olive oil and mustard combo is the secret. Secure them in a small sealed container in your lunch box, ideally, side by side facing each other (pic below) so they don’t roll around or create any mess. Believe me, trust me, just make this recipe. Well worth the prep and truly delicious.

deviled eggs without mayo


  • 1 dozen boiled eggs, peeled
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar (you can use white wine or just plain white vinegar)
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin oil oil
  • Paprika (optional)

Click here to see the full recipe: No-Mayo Deviled Eggs



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