Move Over Pills, Bring on the Parks

Going to a park is proving to help individuals cope with a host of health issues. Anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder as well as chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure, all improved by spending time outside moving. That’s right, it’s as simple as visiting a park. While doctors are now writing Parks […]

The 12 Days of Christmas Workout

And on the first day of Christmas, a good friend gave to me: some workout tips to become a healthier me. ♪♫ One of my absolute favorite things about this time of the year are the decorations. I love the twinkling lights, the vibrant colors, the ornaments, the shimmering tinsel, and the garland making everything look festive. […]

Manners Matter Even at the Gym

I enjoy going to a very affordable gym in my neighborhood. The equipment is new and well-maintained, the staff are very pleasant, media opportunities are available to combat boredom on the treadmill, and it is very clean. Most people move about the gym focused on their workout with a quick nod to those they know […]

Less Sitting, More Moving

Incorporating a few minutes of activity into your workday is a great way to get an energy boost, to decompress and refocus, or to simply stretch out your joints if you begin to feel stiff. Sitting for prolonged periods of can lead to the development of several chronic diseases, so it is important to incorporate as much […]

My Strength Training Success Story

Strength training twice a week is one of the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less strategies. I wasn’t incorporating this strategy in my lifestyle so I decided to try it for six months and see what would happen. I’ve highlighted some of my successes and how I have celebrated them without using food. If you […]