Below is an anonymous testimonial from a recent Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less participant:
“My experience with Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less has been incredible. My friend told me about the program and suggested we do it together. What an awesome suggestion. I must admit, at first I was thinking “how are we going to do a 15-week program over the summer and be the least bit successful”. But my friend said, “no problem, we can do this together”. In truth, she did it for me.
So, in April the journey began. From the very first class, the instructor was great. He kept all of us focused. As well as, enjoying and appreciating the journey we were on.
During the first lesson, he had us weigh ourselves, take waist measurements, get our blood pressure, and calculate our BMI. All the information was private to us, but important to record as we would retake all of measurements and calculations again at the end of our 15 weeks together.
Every class presented something new to focus on. Our instructor encouraged us to track everything we ate, what physical activity we participated in, and the meals we prepared at home or ate out.
I really enjoyed the tracking process because I could see and keep up with what I ate, in what portion, and the calories I was taking in daily. Recording activities, such as aerobic and strength training, house work, yard work or gardening, and calculating the calories burned, kept me motivated.
My friend and I talked almost daily to see how we each were doing and feeling. This came as a huge support for me. Now that we finished our last class we are going to adventure into a more intense workout program and continue eating well.
To have a friend or buddy is so valuable, and I would encourage anyone doing the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program to find someone who will support them through the journey for their health. And yes, their weight loss as well.
Thank you all for this wonderful opportunity and program.”